The Norse God Oden on Sleipner, his eight legged horse. SustainabilityNorse Horse Park is an agri-tourism destination site on Washington Island, Wisconsin. Here you will find Scandinavian Heritage Farm Animals. Horses include Norwegian Fjords, Swedish Warmbloods, and the famous five gated Icelandic Horses. You can see a herd of the primitive Russ Horses from the Swedish Island of Gotland. You will also find Finnish and Icelandic Sheep, Swedish Blue Ducks and Icelandic Chickens. There is an Educatonal Center for learning about sustainability, processing of wool, the domestication of animals, agricultural breeds and the history of horses.
The Norse Horse Park shop sells books about horses, Nordic history, and sustainability, along
with Scandinavian crafts from Washington Island. There is a Farmers Market at the shop and Scandinavian cookery and foods as well. |